Educational Offer - Degree Courses

Academic year 2023/2024

Coordinator Prof. Leonardo Abbene
Class of Bachelor's Degree (BSc) on Nursing and midwifery (L/SNT1)
3 years
Number of seats in national planning: 25
Department of Health promotion, maternal-child, excellence internal and specialist medicine “G.D’Alessandro”
Course Code

Course info
Graduates of this course possess the specific professional competences for: - Assisting and advising the woman during pregnancy , childbirth and puerperium; - Conducing and completing natural childbirth and provide newborn care; - Participating in health and sexual education actions both in the family and in the community; - Participating in the psycho- prophylactic preparation for childbirth; - Participating in the preparation and assistance in gynecological surgery; - Participating in the prevention and detection of female genital cancers; - Participating in assistance programs for mothers and newborns; - managing, as members of the health team , in accordance with professional ethics, specific welfare intervention; - Contributing to the training of support staff and to the updating of their professional profile and to research; - identifying potentially pathological situations that require medical intervention and practicing, where necessary, the relevant emergency measures; - Carrying out their activity in public or private healthcare facilities, as employees or freelance. The three years course provides adequate groundings in the basic disciplines, enabling graduates to understand the most important elements related to gender, which are the basis of physiological and pathological processes to which their preventive and therapeutic action is addressed, ant to integrate at best with other professionals. The acquisition of professional skills will be implemented and completed through training activities and clinical practice, coordinated by a teacher at the highest professional level and corresponding to European regulations. The practical training is particularly significant, being a fundamental and qualifying part of vocational training. The cultural and behavioural competences obtained through the educational programme will ensure graduates, at the end of the course, the full command of the achieved professional skills attained and the immediate marketability in the workplace. The European Union language, other than Italian, will be essential both in the specific field of expertise and for exchanging general information .
Professional activity in public, private health facilities, both as employees and as private practitioners
As per article 11, comma 3-d of DM 270/2004, to be admitted to the final examination, students should have acquired 174 credits. The degree in Nursing is awarded after passing a final examination consisting of the writing and discussion of a written paper about a theoretical- practical issue. The final examination includes a professional examination, qualifying for the profession, where candidates should demonstrate they possess the practical professional skills; this examination may be carried out with actual patients or through simulations. Final papers might also be written in a previously agreed foreign language. The final examination is valid as national qualification examination

Term Term/Semester
Val. Valutation: V = mark in 30/30, G = note
(*) Teaching attended in english
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