Educational Offer - Degree Courses

Academic year

Coordinator Prof. Laura Azzolina
Class of on Political science and international relations (L-36)

Department of Political Sciences and International Relations
Course Code

Course info
This 1st cycle Degree Course provides students with basic education for an up-to-date outline of principles and sources, tools and methods regulating contemporary State, institutions and society, through the diachronic and synchronic study of issues related to the European and World globalisation and integration processes and to the role of Italy within the international and EU context. In the framework of this course, students will find all those subject traditionally taught in Political Science Faculties, contributing at the education and at the basic competences of a political scientist. This curriculum is, in fact, fairly structured, in order to stick accurately to the interdisciplinary orientations and specialisations; it includes subjects from the legal, historical economic, political and sociological profiles as well as two foreign languages chosen among the most diffused European Union ones. The course is also focused on international relations, which will be studied in depth in their historical political, legal and socio-economic implications. Courses will be provided, namely, which, alongside with the traditional study of the most important foreign languages, will tackle themes related to the comparative functioning of institution and regulations and to the historical-political evolution of the Mediterranean area and its neighbouring continents, to the analysis of the principal juridical and theoretical models and of the measures of economic policy and public safety which made possible the integration process. The course also aims at providing students full command of the methodology of political, sociological, economic and quantitative research, as well as of comparative methodology enabling graduates to find easy, full and effective placement in public or private companies, with respect to the growing European harmonisation and integration and to globalisation. For these purposes, and for better job opportunities, given the possibility of using the acquired competences in different EU Countries, the educational programme is not only interdisciplinary, but it also favours educational activities providing comparative institutional notions and international and EU perspectives.
Employment in offices, facilities and institutions of the European Union and other international bodies. Self-employment as administrators and consultants, capable, thanks to their comparative and transnational knowledge, to manage and master European and international relations and transactions. Employment in national and multinational companies, private offices, and in national, supranational and international public institutions, associations, organisations.
To obtain the degree, students must have acquired 180 credits including those relating to the final examination (6 credits). The final test has the objective of assessing the level of maturity and critical skills of the undergraduate, with respect to learning and to the acquired knowledge, on completion of the activities provided by the course syllabus. The final examination consists of a written or oral test, in accordance with the rules fixed every year by the Degree Course Regulations for the final examination, respecting and consistent to the calendar, the ministerial requirements and to the relevant Guidelines of the University.

Term Term/Semester
Val. Valutation: V = mark in 30/30, G = note
(*) Teaching attended in english
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