Educational Offer - Degree Courses

Academic year

Coordinator Prof. Rosa Alduina
Class of on Biology (LM-6)

Department of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies
Course Code

Course info
Specific objectives: The degree Course in Molecular and Health Biology completes the training in biological disciplines started with the 1st cycle degree in biological sciences or alike. This degree course aims to produce graduates with advanced preparation, able to respond professionally and scientifically to various biological issues, through the use of modern biomolecular techniques and their interpretation. Students will obtain solid theoretical and practical groundings, thanks to the activity carried out during the experimental thesis period. The Degree Course offers the chance to acquire advanced skills about the cellular, biochemical and physiological processes in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, including humans, about the normal functioning of organisms (prokaryotes and eukaryotes) and the main causes of homeostatic alterations at molecular, cellular and organ level. The aim of the Degree Course is to train graduates who possess a solid background on molecular, genetic and cell techniques, knowing and knowing how to identify the factors that may affect human health. In any case, students will have the opportunity to choose a curriculum specifically related to the cellular and molecular aspects of biology or a curriculum in which they acquire more knowledge about the factors that may affect human health. Graduates will be able to spend the acquired knowledge in the workplace both in basic research laboratories and in the health sector laboratories (environmental, nutritionist, pharmacological). The above knowledge and understanding are achieved by graduates, through lectures with mandatory attendance, exercises, and self-study, provided by the specific educational activities in the following sectors: BIO/O6, BIO/09, BIO/10, BIO/11, BIO/18. In the second year of the degree course, more than two-thirds of activities are focused at the development of the thesis with the aim to provide students, through a significant experience of experimental work in the laboratory, the opportunity to acquire both cultural tools and critical analysis skills which are necessary not only to carry out research but also for the development of leadership skills. The Degree Course is, in fact, a suitable cultural basis for the continuation of advanced training through PhD programs.
Profile: Biologist Functions: Biologist able to exercise his/her competence in the fields of industry, health and public administration as well as in private laboratories. Skills: Understanding of normal and abnormal biological processes and skills in analytical methods. The acquired skills may be used in: companies and public and private laboratories in the field of the control of and/or industrial, human activities such as zoo-prophylaxis; agricultural control (for example the control of the spread of infections in cultivated plants); environmental and hygiene control, where molecular/genetic expertise is needed; execution of phylogenetic testing, genetic testing and molecular diagnostics related to various diseases (cancer, viral diseases, etc.), paternity testing, karyotype identification, etc.; food diagnostic testing and GMOs identification; toxicology tests for the identification of drugs and drug use; use of molecular biomarkers for the monitoring of terrestrial and marine pollution levels; in the Scientific Investigations Departments of Police corps, for situations requiring specialists able to perform DNA analysis on biological samples: Professional opportunities: Professional practice, public and private institutions. Basic and specialized diagnostic laboratories, environmental analysis laboratories, pharmaceutical laboratories Profile: Nutritionist functions: Biologist able to determine optimum diet for the individual, also in relation to established pathophysiological conditions or to identify optimal diets for communities, such as canteens, sports groups, hospitals, nursing homes etc., in relation to the characteristics of the subjects. Skills: Knowledge of the biology of nutrition and of the major alterations of metabolism. Ability to assess the human nutritional and energy needs. Professional opportunities: Professional practice, public and private institutions. Profile: Researcher Functions: Researcher in public and private research institutes, capable of identifying or helping to identify particularly original, meaningful and valuable advances in basic or applied research (health biology, environment, biotechnology etc.). Skills: Ability to apply the scientific method and to design, collect, interpret and process, even from a statistical point of view, scientific data derived from observation and obtained from laboratory experiments. Professional opportunities: public and private research institutions Profile: Science communicator Functions: Biologist communicator for information activities with Health and Wellbeing professionals (pharmacies, doctors, naturopaths, osteopaths, herbalists etc.). Skills: Dissemination and development of scientific and technological innovation Professional opportunities: Private companies
The final examination consists of the preparation of a written dissertation, related to the presentation of original experimental results of a research project or of part of it, obtained during the internship period. The project will be carried out at an university research laboratory or in other public or private research laboratories, under specific agreements with the University. Normally, this internship period takes place during the second course year. However, the Board of the Degree course, having considered the candidate's curriculum, may authorize it during the second semester of the first year. The research project will be developed under the guidance of a professor (full, associate, researcher) responsible for monitoring the research work and the preparation of the student, with the role of tutor. The test will end with the discussion of the project during the graduation session.

course outline
Term Term/Semester
Val. Valutation: V = mark in 30/30, G = note
(*) Teaching attended in english
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