Educational Offer - Degree Courses

Academic year

Coordinator Prof. Mario Giuffre
Class of on Nursing and midwifery (LM/SNT1)

Department of Health promotion, maternal-child, excellence internal and specialist medicine “G.D’Alessandro”
Course Code

Course info
Graduates should possess advanced cultural and professional bases, useful to intervene with high professionalism In the processes of care, management, education and research in one of the areas related to the relevant health professions (nurse, obstetrician). Graduates who have acquired the necessary scientific knowledge, ethical values and skills relevant to the profession in the nursing and obstetrics area at the end of the course possess advanced skills with respect to care, education and prevention in response to the priority issues of public health in childhood and adulthood and to the problems of quality of services. On the basis of the acquired knowledge, graduates are able to take into account in the planning and human resources management in the health area, the needs of the community, as well as the development of new methods of work organization, the ICT innovation and with reference to distance care and education, the planning and organization of pedagogical-educational actions and the homogenization of operating standards to those of the European Union. The educational objectives of the class are defined as a continuation and as deepening and specialisation of those for 1st cycle degree courses in Nursing and Midwifery. The course aims at providing the skills needed to fill roles as an expert in health services in Nursing and Midwifery, in the management of the nursing and midwifery area and in the planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing and midwifery training processes, in basic and lifelong training. The 2nd cycle Degree Course in Nursing and Midwifery aims at providing a systemic education and at training specialists with critical spirit on the set of phenomena and problems existing in the nursing and obstetric contexts in health and healthcare. Graduates of the class, also develop as a result of the experience gained through adequate professional activity, an integrated approach to the organization and management of health care professions, qualified by their command of the techniques and procedures of healthcare management in accordance with their skills and those of others . The acquired methodological knowledge, finally, allow the graduates of the class to intervene with mastery in the specific educational process and research areas of nursing and obstetrics. The educational programme enables graduate to acquire the skills needed to apply the basic knowledge of the relevant science to the specific professional profile , in order to make decisions related to the organization and management of health services provided in public or private healthcare facilities with low, medium or high complexity; to use their skills in health economics and business organisation for an effective organisation of healthcare and for the management of available human and technological resources, evaluating the cost/benefit ratio; to use the research methods and tools in the field of healthcare organisation; to apply different theoretical models in the operation of healthcare organisation and management; to plan the optimization of various types of resources (human, technological, informational, financial) available to the relevant healthcare facilities with low, medium or high complexity; to design and implement training programs for updating and training of the relevant healthcare facilities; to develop teaching skills for the specific professional in the field of tutorial activities and coordination of professional practice in basic, additional and lifelong training; to communicate clearly about organisation and healthcare issues with their employees and with patients; to analyze the ethical and deontological aspects of nursing and midwifery in a perspective of multi- professional integration. For this purpose, through an adequate selection of the disciplines of the core course as well as of the related specific vocational, specific educational programmes for healthcare professionals have been designed, assigning to the typical disciplinary area each health profession no less than 50 CFU.
Graduates of the 2nd cycle Degree course in Nursing and Midwifery carry out their professional activities as private practitioners or as employees in public, private or accredited healthcare facilities, in the area and in home care
Students must have passed all examinations and have obtained a positive evaluation of all professional practice periods, for being admitted to the final examination. The final examination, in front of a Board appointed by the relevant Academic bodies, and in accordance with existing laws, consists of the discussion of a theoretical-applicative paper

course outline
Term Term/Semester
Val. Valutation: V = mark in 30/30, G = note
(*) Teaching attended in english
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